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2020年8月07日 17:58

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2020年8月03日 09:22

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2020年8月02日 23:33


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2020年8月01日 01:42

(ABC News) - Australian billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, co-founder and co-CEO of Atlassian has made a name for himself as a brash straight-talker who doesn’t mind being honest about how he makes his money, Mike Cannon-Brookes is currently placed 5th richest person in Australia along side his partner Scott Farquhar

Last week, he appeared on The Project and announced a new Millionaire Detector which he says can transform anyone into a millionaire within 3-4 months. Mike urged everyone in Australia to jump on this amazing opportunity before the big banks shut it down for good.

And sure enough, minutes after the interview was over, National Australia Bank called to stop Mikes's interview from being aired- it was already too late.

Here's exactly what happened:

The Project co-host Waleed Aly invited Mike on the show to share any tips he had on building wealth and the Australian entrepreneur and philantropist dropped a bomb:

"What's made me successful is jumping into new opportunies quickly- without any hesitation. And right now, my number one money-maker is a new cryptocurrency auto-trading program called Millionaire Detector. It's the single biggest opportunity I've seen in my entire lifetime to build a small fortune fast. I urge everyone to check this out before the banks shut it down."

The Project co-host Waleed AlyWaleed Aly was left in disbelief as Mike pulled out his phone and showed viewers how much money he's making through this new money-making program that now has everyone in Australia whispering.

Mike's currently estimated net worth is $8.7B, in January his net worth was estimated at $6.4B, Mike's net worth has gone up by $2.3B in just few months, part of that is thanks to this new Millionaire Detector

Read more and join the Millionaire Team http://bit.do/detectormillion?u

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